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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 28-Jul-2010
28-Jul-10 News -- Britain's PM sides with Turkey against Israel

Web Log - July, 2010

28-Jul-10 News -- Britain's PM sides with Turkey against Israel

Turkey abandons Armenia for Azerbaijan

Britain's PM David Cameron sides with Turkey against Israel

Turkey's influence in the Mideast continued to grow on Tuesday, as British Prime Minister David Cameron called Gaza a "prison camp" during a state visit to Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

CNN quotes Cameron as saying, "Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp."

The perception is that the new Prime Minister is taking a sharp turn against Israel and the balanced policy pursued by his predecessor, Tony Blair.

This comes at a time when the perception is growing, whether fair or not, that President Barack Obama is also turning against Israel, as can be seen from this sardonic opinion piece in the Jersusalem Post. Both Cameron and Obama are taking these positions following the flotilla incident, resulting in nine deaths. Both are calling for an end to the Gaza blockade.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, these perceptions cannot survive for long. America is closely wedded to Israel as its protector. (For more information about why America is Israel's protector, see my 2006 report, "President George Bush talks about a 'Third Awakening,' but he has his history wrong.")

Thus, this change in political direction can be seen as temporary, since it goes counter to a strong long-term trend. In fact, as soon as a major crisis strikes Israel, America (and Britain) will come to Israel's aid.

Turkey abandons Armenia for Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan.  The enclave on the left is Nakhchivan.  Not shown on the map, Turkey has a 10 km border with Nakhchivan. <font size=-2>(Source: CIA World Fact Book)</font>
Azerbaijan. The enclave on the left is Nakhchivan. Not shown on the map, Turkey has a 10 km border with Nakhchivan. (Source: CIA World Fact Book)

Around the same time that Turkey's relations with Israel were deteriorating, Turkey's relations with Armenia were also deteriorating.

Turkey's dispute with Armenia goes back almost a century to 1915, when hundreds of thousands of Armenians living in Turkey were killed. Armenia has fought to have this declared an act of genocide by the Turks, a description that Turkey bitterly opposes. (See my 2008 report, "Consequences of Russia/Georgia conflict spread to southern Caucasus.")

Turkey and Armenia do not have diplomatic relations, but appeared to be on the verge of restoring them just a few months ago. However, Armenians insisted as a precondition that the Turks admit to a genocide, and that was never going to happen. In April, negotiations to restore diplomatic relations and reopen their common border collapsed.

Azerbaijan is a country split into two non-connected parts, as shown in the above map. The enclave on the left is Nakhchivan, which has been the subject of past conflicts involving Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Turkey is now moving closer to Azerbaijan's position, by signing energy and transportation deals with Azerbaijan, according to EurasiaNet.

The Caucasus nations are sharply split along the Muslim / Orthodox fault line. Turkey and Azerbaijan are Muslim nations, while Armenia, through the Armenian Apostolic Church, is an Orthodox Christian nation -- like Georgia and Russia.

As we move in the direction of the Clash of Civilizations world war, we can see realignments taking place that follow the historical trends established decades or centuries ago.

In the war, Turkey and Azerbaijan will be aligned with the Muslim countries, along with Pakistan and China, and Armenia and Russia will be aligned with the west.

Keeping cool in a duckweed crisis

Keeping cool amid a duckweed crisis <font face=Arial size=-2>(Source: Global Times)</font>
Keeping cool amid a duckweed crisis (Source: Global Times)

This photo, taken on Sunday shows a child swimming in a lake whose surface is choked by duckweed, an algae-like plant, in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, according to China's Global Times.

Additional links

The U.N. Security council received a report on Tuesday indicating that the fighting and violence in Darfur is increasing substantially. From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, this is a generational crisis war that has yet to reach a climax. If the situation continues to deteriorate, the explosive, bloody climax may come in the next few months. CNN

Many college students are facing hunger and homelessness, as they are forced to choose between paying rent and paying tuition. NPR

Oscar winner Oliver Stone, who is among the looniest of the loony left, is saying that Hitler and Stalin weren't so bad, even though each of them was responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of people. Stone is sympathetic to modern dictators like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, and presumably thinks that they're all wonderful compared to George Bush. What a pathetic and repulsive human being. NBC NY

Carla Bruni, the wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, will make her acting debut with Hollywood star Owen Wilson in a Woody Allen film being shot in Paris. The movie is a romantic comedy named "Midnight in Paris." AFP

On Thursday, Barack Obama will appear on The View, America's version of the ITV show Loose Women. Daily Mail

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 28-Jul-10 News -- Britain's PM sides with Turkey against Israel thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (28-Jul-2010) Permanent Link
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